Hi and welcome to Dr. Francois Major’s laboratory at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), and Computer Science Department (DIRO), Université de Montréal.
Note: If you are looking for the Supplemental Information of our publications, go to “Publications”.
In this lab in the long-terms, we want to understand and characterize human gene regulatory networks; link cell content to phenotypes; and, design and create artificial molecular components to peek and poke cell information and programmes.
We are developing a suite of programs to analyze, model, predict, and determine RNA 2D and 3D structure. You can access and download our software through the MC-Tools page. You can also access Web services of most of our programs through the MC-Pipeline page.
Funding News
Septembre 13 2016 - Genome Canada and Canadian Institutes of Health Research - 16 canadian projects canadiens in bioinformatcs and computational biology (B/CB) were approved for financing, including our project “Computation of cell-specific microRNA::Mrna regulatory networks enables the design of efficient RNAi-based therapeutics”, which received $250,000 over two years.
August 7 2015 - Cancer Research Society - Spring 2015 Operating Grants Funding Program approved $120,000 over two years: “Deciphering and targeting the gene interaction networks that shape cancer cells ”
April 17 2014 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Fall 2013 Discovery Grant competition approved $265,000 over five years: “Computational analysis and modeling of noncoding ribonucleic acid structure and function”
April 2 2014 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Fall 2013 Discovery Grant competition approved $265,000 over five years: “Computational analysis and modeling of noncoding ribonucleic acid structure and function”
April 18 2011 - Fonds de recherche nature et technologie - Team research project approved $207,000 over three years - : “Computational methods to predict RNA mutations that affect tertiary structure” (with co-applicant Jérôme Waldispuhl, McGill)
May 25 2010 - National Institutes of Health - National Institute of General Medical Sciences approved $830,494 over five years - : “Computational prediction of RNA 3D structure using low resolution data and a new RNA folding algorithm”
June 30 2009 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Spring 2009 HIV/AIDS Research Initiative - Biomedical/Clinical Stream approved $379,498 over three years: “Developing and testing small RNA-based multiple-target gene therapies against cancer and AIDS” (with co-applicant Gerardo Ferbeyre, biochemistry department)
November 19 2008 - Canadian Foundation for Innovation - Leaders Opportunity Fund in Multidisciplinary Health Research approved $800,434 for the infrastructure of the “RNA Engineering Laboratory” (with co-applicant Gerardo Ferbeyre, biochemistry department)
January 30 2009 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Fall 2008 Operating Grant competition approved $576,945 over five years: “Computational and structural studies of gene silencing mechanisms”
March 24 2009 - Human Frontier Science Program - 2008 Research Grant competition approved $USD 1,200,000 over three years: “RNA folding as a mediator of stress response in plants” (with three international co-applicants)
April 17 2009 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Fall 2008 Discovery Grant competition approved $240,000 over five years: “Computerized analysis and prediction of RNA structure and function”
RNA Engineering