Yao J, Reinharz V, Major F, Waldispühl J. RNA-MolP: prediction of RNA secondary structure and local 3D motifs from sequence data, Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx575. [Epub ahead of print]
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Dallaire P, Major F. Exploring alternative RNA structure sets using MC-Flashfold and db2cm, Methods Mol Biol. 2016 1490:237-51.
Dallaire P, Tan H, Szulwach K, Ma C, Jin P, Major F. Structural dynamics control the microRNA maturation pathway, Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 gkw793 [Epub ahead of print]
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Miao Z, Adamiak RW, Blanchet MF, Boniecki M, Bujnicki JM, Chen SJ, Cheng C, Chojnowski G, Chou FC, Cordero P, Cruz JA, Ferré-D'Amaré AR, Das R, Ding F, Dokholyan NV, Dunin-Horkawicz S, Kladwang W, Krokhotin A, Lach G, Magnus M, Major F, Mann TH, Masquida B, Matelska D, Meyer M, Peselis A, Popenda M, Purzycka KJ, Serganov A, Stasiewicz J, Szachniuk M, Tandon A, Tian S, Wang J, Xiao Y, Xu X, Zhang J, Zhao P, Zok T, Westhof E. RNA-puzzles Round II: assessment of RNA structure prediction programs applied to three large RNA structures, RNA 2015 21(6):1066-84.
Wheeler EC, Washburn MC, Major F, Rusch DB, Hundley HA. Noncoding regions of C. elegans mRNA undergo selective adenosine to inosine deamination and contain a small number of editing sites per transcript, RNA Biol. 2015 12(2):162-74.
Blanchet MF, St-Onge K, Lisi V, Robitaille J, Hamel S, Major F. Computational identification of RNA functional determinants by three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships, Nucleic Acids Res. 42(17):11261-71.
Leong S, Roy J, Parisien M, Major F. Predict RNA 2D and 3D structure over the internet using MC-Tools, Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, Hartmann, Bindereif, Schön and Westhof Eds. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 1384 p.
Gkogkas CG, Khoutorsky A, Ran I, Rampakakis E, Nevarko T, Weatherill DB, Vasuta C, Yee S, Truitt M, Dallaire P, Major F, Lasko P, Ruggero D, Nader K, Lacaille JC, Sonenberg N. Autism-related deficits via dysregulated eIF4E-dependent translational control, Nature 493(7432):371-7.
Parisien M, Major F. Determining RNA Three-Dimensional Structures Using Low-Resolution Data, J Struct Biol 179(3):252-60.
Reinharz V, Major F, Waldispühl J. Towards 3D structure prediction of large RNA molecules: an integer programming framework to insert local 3D motifs in RNA secondary structure, Bioinformatics 28(12):i207-i214.
Cruz J, Blanchet MF, et al. RNA-Puzzles: A CASP-like evaluation of RNA three-dimensional structure prediction, RNA (disponible en-ligne)
Parisien M, Major F. Determining RNA Three-Dimensional Structures Using Low-Resolution Data, J Struct Biol. (disponible en-ligne)
Kloc M, Dallaire P, Reunov A, Major F. Structural messenger RNA contains cytokeratin polymerization and depolymerization signals, Cell Tissue Res. 346(2):209-22.
Lerman Y, Kennedy S, Shankar N, Parisien M, Major F, Turner D. NMR Structure of a 4X4 Nucleotide RNA Internal Loop from an R2 Retrotransposon: Identification of a Three Purine-Purine Sheared Pair Motif and Comparison to MC-SYM Predictions, RNA 17(9):1664-77.
Mullen M, Olson K, Dallaire P, Major F, Assmann S, Bevilacqua, P. RNA G-Quadruplexes in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana: Prevalence and possible functional roles, Nucleic Acids Res. 38(22):8149-8163.
Yang S, Parisien M, Major F, Roux B. RNA Structure Determination Using SAXS Data, J Phys Chem B 2010 114(31):10039-48.
Cruz-Toledo J, Dumontier M, Parisien M, Major F. RKB: A Semantic Web Knowledge Base for RNA, J Biomed Semantics 2010 Jun 22;1 Suppl 1:S2.
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Parisien M, Major F. The MC-Fold and MC-Sym pipeline infers RNA structure from sequence data. Nature 2008, 452(7183):51-55.
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Lisi V, Major F. A comparative analysis of the triloops in all high-resolution RNA structures reveals sequence-structure relationships, RNA 2007 13(9):1537-1545. LisiMajor-SuppMat-RNA2007-005975.pdf.
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Kim YK, Furic L, Parisien M, Major F, DesGroseillers L, Maquat LE. Staufen1 Regulates Diverse Classes of Mammalian Transcripts, EMBO J 2007 26(11):2670-2681.
St-Onge K., Thibault P, Hamel S., Major F. Modeling and aligning RNA motifs by graph-grammars, Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 35(5):1726-1736.
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Leontis NB, Altman RB, Berman HM, Brenner SE, Brown JW, Engelke DR, Harvey SC, Holbrook SR, Jossinet F, Lewis SE, Major F, Mathews DH, Richardson JS, Williamson JR, Westhof E. The RNA Ontology Consortium: An open invitation to the RNA community. RNA 2006, 12(4):533-541.
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David L, Amara P, Field MJ, Major F. Parametrization of a force field for metals complexed to biomacromolecules: applications to Fe(II), Cu(II) and Pb(II). J Comput Aided Mol Des 2002, 16(8-9):635-651.
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Gendron P, Lemieux S, Major F. Quantitative analysis of nucleic acid three-dimensional structures. J Mol Biol. 2001 May 18;308(5):919-36.
Pinard R, Lambert D, Heckman JE, Esteban JA, Gundlach CW 4th, Hampel KJ, Glick GD, Walter NG, Major F, Burke JM. The hairpin ribozyme substrate binding-domain: a highly constrained D-shaped conformation. J Mol Biol. 2001 Mar 16;307(1):51-65.
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